Head in the Crowds

A research project about the tools of communication used within populist power systems

During these times of populist fever there is an idea that simple solutions can solve complex problems. Political opinions often divide people dramatically. Personalization of power, crowd mobilization, sophisticated communication and everything that recalls the idea of “The People” (nation, sovereignty, identity, etc.) make up the particularities of today's populist phenomena.


Composite made up of Trump, Johnson, Putin, Duda, Duterte, Al-Sissi, Bolsonaro, Erdrogan, Netanyahu and Orban

Covid19 headlines about each populist of the composite placed according to their physical features

A people is a plurality of individuals for which one recognises a form of unity, in other words, an identity or an individuality. In contradistinction to the simple multitude, the people is “a certain body, and a certain person, to which it is possible to attribute one sole will and intrinsic action”.

Hobbes Thomas, Du Citoyen, 1642


The hologram: a populist
marketing tool

As he campaigned in 2014 Narendra Modi held 50 simultaneous rallies thanks to holographic projections on gigantic transparent plastic screens. He addressed over half a million people live. He went on to win the election and become India’s current PM.

Make your own holographic projection!

Step 1 Tracer le patron de l’un des quatre côté de la pyramide sur une feuille de papier. Il s'agit d'une forme particulière de trapèze dont les deux côtés non parallèles sont de même longueur.

Step 1
Trace the pattern of one of the four sides of a pyramid on a sheet of paper. It should look like a trapezoid similar to the illustration.

Step 2 Découper précisément le patron au ciseau ou au cutter en suivant les traits de coupe.

Step 2
Cut the pattern with a scissor or an exacto knife following the cutting lines.

Step 3 Reporter le trapèze isocèle sur une plaque de plexiglas d’épaisseur 2 à 3 mm.

Step 3
Transfer the trapezoid onto a sheet of plexiglass 1 to 2 mm thick.

Step 4 Découper les faces des quatre trapèzes isocèles avec un cutter adapté à la découpe de matériaux rigides.

Step 4
Cut the faces of the four trapezoids with an exacto knife suitable for cutting rigid materials.

Step 5 Coller les quatre faces de manière à former une pyramide à pointe tronquée. Aligner deux pièces de plastique et les lier soigneusement avec du ruban adhésif aux deux extrémités. Ajouter ensuite les deux autres faces.

Step 5
Glue the four sides together to form a pyramid. Line up two pieces of plastic and tape them at both ends. Then add the other two faces.

Step 6 Ajouter du ruban adhésif ou un point de colle au niveau des sommets pour maintenir la forme de l’hologramme.

Step 6
Add tape or a dot of glue at the top corners to maintain the shape of the hologram.


Final step
Place the pyramid upside down on the screen containing your four faced hologram image.


Non liberal movements succeed in advancing their ideas through elections certainly but also by infiltrating the discourse in which political debates take place. Historically, fascists have waged the battle of words in all conscience so as to prevail in the war of ideas.

Stanley Jason, philosophy professor at Yale University


American political slogans 2008-2020


Rythme and tone of political speeches, applied to random content